
What I Would Do Differently if I Could Start Over

At 18 years old, with a BSc in Computer Science, my journey stands as a testament to resilience and determination. Navigating through uncertainty and self-discovery, I aimed to make my parents proud and pursue my aspirations.

Through my academic journey, I persevered as an average student with a desire for greatness. With moments of procrastination clouding my path, a pivotal decision arose during 12th grade: choosing between Economics Honors and my current BSc program. Securing admission to my BSc course after cracking the entrance exam validated my perseverance and patience.

Reflecting back, I’ve learned the value of seizing opportunities and persisting through doubts. My current path has transformed me, emphasizing the importance of staying true to my aspirations.

Given a chance to start anew, I would approach challenges with renewed vigor, striving to overcome procrastination and embrace growth opportunities. I would continue to prioritize making my parents proud, not only through academic achievements but also by demonstrating integrity in all my endeavors. Each day presents a new opportunity to learn and contribute meaningfully, and I aim to remain steadfast in my aspirations to inspire others.

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